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Digital communication has never been as important for business leaders as it is today, during this unprecedented global crisis where over a third of the world’s population is being asked to stay home.

Beyond ensuring the safety – both physical and emotional – of your employees and partners, the ways in which you handle this crisis is critical for all facets of your business, especially to curb panic from employees, partners, stakeholders, and your consumers and to show that while it’s not “business as usual,” usual business is still taking place.

As leaders, you have the new responsibility of creating a connected mindset among your suddenly remote employee base, all while simultaneously nurturing your network, prospects, and leads without face to face contact. Social media is a critical tool to use in order to do this.

How to communicate? Consistently and with a steady hand…

As most of the workforce has shifted to working remotely, leaders must communicate steadily online. The social media channels Qnary supports, LinkedIn and Twitter, are critical to use to amplify communication to your relevant audience like employees, partners, stakeholders, consumers. 

There has never been such an engaged and willing online audience consuming content. People are online more than ever right now and they are desperately looking for leadership. This is the time to “share your truth.” The struggles, the challenges, the unexpected moments of good. Don’t shy away from communicating with honesty and transparency. Lean on the traditional facets of crisis communication – honesty, transparency, accountability, and consistently.

Now is NOT the time to be silent if you are a leader.

How to Talk About Covid-19 as a Business Leader Online?

Qnary recommends integrating crossover content into your social media content strategy and to share social media content regularly. Crossover content is content that addresses the crisis, but within topics that are relevant for your professional social media strategy.

For example, if you share Leadership content, sharing articles and your POV on leaders keeping their newly remote team connected makes sense, if you’re a Marketing leader, an article on a brand creating real time content to address the crisis for their consumers, if you’re a CIO, how Google is investing in additional servers to support the sudden influx of users on Hangout and Google Classroom works, and so forth.

This allows you to continue to share relevant content within your strategy while being thoughtful to today’s context.

How to Stay Connected to Your Team, Partners, and/or Stakeholders During this Time?

During this time of uncertainty and social distancing, social media can be a very powerful tool for sharing your stories and staying connected with clients, coworkers, and business partners. As an executive, it’s important to showcase that although business may not have the same scenery as usual, that indeed, it does go on.

Qnary recommends sharing “behind the scenes” content and pictures of you and your team working from home. Screenshots of your Zoom company happy hours, a picture of your morning cup of coffee on the patio (instead of on-the-go), working on your laptop next to your child doing their virtual school, etc. This type of content is perfect for LinkedIn and Twitter – it’s highly engaging content, and it’s ultimately positive (which people, especially your team, is looking for now.)

What Are Other Business Leaders Doing Who Are Getting It Right (On Social Media)?

Leaders and executives are leaning more on social and digital platforms in order to not only maintain a sense of normalcy but also to provide leadership through these tough times. This is also the perfect time to showcase how adaptive, creative, and nimble your business is by pivoting to work through this period.

A few great examples:

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Have any additional thoughts or tips on how to stay connected and communicate during this time? Share your ideas in the comments, I would love to hear them!

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